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22 February 2005: Second Time Around (1 of 6)

I admit it. After just a few years in the teaching profession, I was pretty sure that I had it dialed. I knew what I believed, and I knew that I was working towards a teaching practice that reflected those beliefs. In my arrogance, I figured my focused reflection and flexibility in teaching had allowed me to develop the skills of a veteran teacher.

Not only that, but I often viewed extensive teaching experience as a handicap of sorts. As far as I had observed, twenty years in the classroom often seemed like more time to solidify ineffective teaching practice, and I had never encountered a veteran of more than 10 years who had spent that time reflecting and growing as a teacher.

Then, unemployment brought me to a unique opportunity. I became a departmentalized elementary teacher.

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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