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08 February 2005: You Can Handle Them All (3 of 4)
More than anything else, here's what I love about this website: To use this model, you must be willing to focus on the total student and be prepared to respond in a professional manner in handling all student behaviors. Changing unacceptable behavior to acceptable behavior takes time and patience.
Yes! Yes! An entire website on student discipline that is based on the assumption that undesirable behavior is the EFFECT of student need, not the CAUSE for punishment! Truly, this taps into one of my fundamental passions about teaching: figure out what works for EACH kid. Acknowledging their individual needs presents a greater challenge to teachers, while also allowing for greater effectiveness when those needs are met!
There are other things I love about this website, though. First is the disclaimer-type information on the right side of every page: We are labeling behaviors, not children! There are other statements reflecting similar values, and I can get behind them all.