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21 January 2005: Who's in Charge Here? (1 of 4)
It’s easy for me to admit that I like being in charge, making decisions, and taking responsibility. I think those are generally common traits for teachers. But there’s a fundamental disconnect between this tendency and current educational theory. Even my state, which doesn’t have much right, recognizes that empowering students is fundamental to meaningful and lasting learning. One of my most trusted colleagues says she’s in the business of making others feel like they are in charge. The beautiful thing is, she’s not just talking about her students. Her skill is so developed that her administrators and co-workers feel her support and respect. She’s not deceptive or manipulative. What she is, I think, is wise. What I know is that she’s effective. Her students learn third grade curriculum in two languages. They’re not bilingual kids, but she’s trying to make them that way. They’re not necessarily talented learners, but she’s adding to their skills.