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17 January 2005: Stories From Full Inclusion (4 of 7)
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. One day, after maybe a week of trying a variety of strategies to end the nose-blowing marathon, I had an idea. During an independent work period, I went to my private supply cabinet and pulled out a brand-new tennis ball.
I privately told Harry that I wanted him to hold the ball while he was doing his work. My rationale was that if he was holding a pencil in one hand, and a tennis ball in the other, then he would have to put down the handkerchief. Maybe it would be enough sensory stimulation to make him forget about blowing his nose.
I was thrilled to discover that it worked! It wasn't perfect or permanent, but as long as Harry was holding the ball, his nose-blowing frequency returned to normal. When he wasn't writing, Harry sometimes rolled the ball back and forth across the desk. Sometimes, he even occupied his hands by tossing the ball straight up into the air and catching it over and over.