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29 November 2004: Is Anyone Listening? (1 of 2)

I don’t want to make anyone defensive, but has anyone ever noticed that teachers are often unaware of the moment when they lose their listening audience—even in their personal lives? I am a verbal processor. I have experienced various degrees of success in monitoring and responding to the attention of my friends and family, because when they quit listening, I can’t manage them the way I manage my kids. But my experience has been that many, many teachers talk and talk, seeming to be ignorant of the glassy-eyed stare that is their audience. Of course, there is some camaraderie between teachers that allows for this, to a point. No one in my experience is more patient about listening to me vent about a student, or work through a lesson plan than my colleagues. They listen to me, or at least act like they’re listening, because they know that I will reciprocate in their time of need. Plus, they know that I’ll be there to listen, as long as their time of need is before June 11.

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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