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02 November 2004: The Schools Are Burning (6 of 6)

Ultimately, while the school is burning, NCLB has created a policy that has policy makers stoking the flames, administrators helplessly watching the school burn, and teachers running for their lives.

And, with all this chaos, it is the students who suffer. While public schools all over the country are undoubtedly feeling the effects of NCLB, it is the students in impoverished urban schools who are dying. Poor instructional practice, institutionalized racism, irrelevant materials and dehumanizing behavior modification strategies effectively trap and kill many students' desire to learn.

Like the tragic fire in India, the results of current educational policies will have a lasting affect on the well-being of local students and families.

teaching quote of the day

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.

- Chinese proverb

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